Analysis Tests

Analysis tests are the typical way to test rule behavior. They allow observing behavior about a rule that isn’t visible to a regular test as well as modifying Bazel configuration state to test rule behavior for e.g. different platforms.

If you’ve ever wanted to verify…

  • A certain combination of flags

  • Building for another OS

  • That certain providers are returned

  • That aspects behaved a certain way

Or other observable information, then an analysis test does that.

Quick start

For a quick copy/paste start, create a .bzl file with your test code, and a BUILD.bazel file to load your tests and declare them. Here’s a skeleton:

load(":my_tests.bzl", "my_test_suite")

# my_tests.bzl

load("@rules_testing//lib:analysis_test.bzl", "test_suite", "analysis_test")
load("@rules_testing//lib:util.bzl", "util")

def _test_hello(name):
        name = name + "_subject",
        srcs = ["hello_world.txt"],
        name = name,
        impl = _test_hello_impl,
        target = name + "_subject"

def _test_hello_impl(env, target):

def my_test_suite(name):
        name = name,
        tests = [

Arranging the test

The arrange part of a test defines a target using the rule under test and sets up its dependencies. This is done by writing a macro, which runs during the loading phase, that instantiates the target under test and dependencies. All the targets taking part in the arrangement should be tagged with manual so that they are ignored by common build patterns (e.g. //... or foo:all).


load("@rules_proto/defs:proto_library.bzl", "proto_library")

def _test_basic(name):
  """Verifies basic behavior of a proto_library rule."""
  # (1) Arrange
  proto_library(name=name + '_foo', srcs=["foo.proto"], deps=[name + "_bar"], tags=["manual"])
  proto_library(name=name + '_bar', srcs=["bar.proto"], tags=["manual"])

  # (2) Act

TIP: Source source files aren’t required to exist. This is because the analysis phase only records the path to source files; they aren’t read until after the analysis phase. The macro function should be named after the behaviour being tested (e.g. _test_frob_compiler_passed_qux_flag). The setup targets should follow the macro naming conventions, that is all targets should include the name argument as a prefix – this helps tests avoid creating conflicting names.


Bazel limits the number of transitive dependencies that can be used in the setup. The limit is controlled by --analysis_testing_deps_limit flag.

Mocking toolchains (adding a toolchain used only in the test) is not possible at the moment.

Running the analysis phase

The act part runs the analysis phase for a specific target and calls a user supplied function. All of the work is done by Bazel and the framework. Use analysis_test macro to pass in the target to analyse and a function that will be called with the analysis results:

load("@rules_testing//lib:analysis_test.bzl", "analysis_test")

def _test_basic(name):

  # (2) Act
  analysis_test(name, target=name + "_foo", impl=_test_basic)


The assert function (in example _test_basic) gets env and target as parameters, where…

  • env is information about the overall build and test

  • target is the target under test (as specified in the target attribute during the arrange step).

The env.expect attribute provides a truth.Expect object, which allows writing fluent asserts:

def _test_basic(env, target):

Note that you aren’t required to use env.expect. If you want to perform asserts another way, then can be called to register any failures.

Collecting the tests together

Use the test_suite function to collect all tests together:

load("@rules_testing//lib:analysis_test.bzl", "test_suite")

def proto_library_test_suite(name):

In your BUILD file instantiate the suite:

load("//path/to/your/package:proto_library_tests.bzl", "proto_library_test_suite")
proto_library_test_suite(name = "proto_library_test_suite")

The function instantiates all test macros and wraps them into a single target. This removes the need to load and call each test separately in the BUILD file.

Advanced test collection, reuse, and parameterizing

If you have many tests and rules and need to re-use them between each other, then there are a couple tricks to make it easy:

  • Tests aren’t required to all be in the same file. So long as you can load the arrange function and pass it to test_suite, then you can split tests into multiple files for reuse.

  • Similarly, arrange functions themselves aren’t required to take only a name argument – only the functions passed to test_suite.test require this.

By using lists and lambdas, we can define collections of tests and have multiple rules reuse them:

# base_tests.bzl

_base_tests = []

def _test_common(name, rule_under_test):

def _test_common_impl(env, target):


def create_base_tests(rule_under_test):
    return [
        lambda name: test(name=name, rule_under_test=rule_under_test)
        for test in _base_tests

# my_binary_tests.bzl
load("//my/my_binary.bzl", "my_binary")
load(":base_tests.bzl", "create_base_tests")
load("@rules_testing//lib:analysis_test.bzl", "test_suite")

def my_binary_suite(name):
        name = name,
        tests = create_base_tests(my_binary)

# my_test_tests.bzl
load("//my/my_test.bzl", "my_test")
load(":base_tests.bzl", "base_tests")
load("@rules_testing//lib:analysis_test.bzl", "test_suite")

def my_test_suite(name):
        name = name,
        tests = create_base_tests(my_test)

Tips and best practices

  • Use private names for your tests, def _test_foo. This allows buildifier to detect when you’ve forgotten to put a test in the tests attribute. The framework will strip leading underscores from the test name

  • Tag the arranged inputs of your tests with tags=["manual"]; the util.helper_target function helps with this. This prevents common build patterns (e.g. bazel test //... or bazel test :all) from trying to build them.

  • Put each rule’s tests into their own directory with their own BUILD file. This allows better isolation between the rules’ test suites in several ways:

    • When reusing tests, target names are less likely to collide.

    • During the edit-run cycle, modifications to verify one rule that would break another rule can be ignored until you’re ready to test the other rule.